Salt Lake City Library

Rather then play catch up for the months I’ve been not writing, I decided to start blogging by writing about a place I visited earlier this week: the Salt Lake city library. I’ve been to the smaller branch by my house, but I’d never been to the main city library before.

The building itself is beautiful. The library is four levels with a big spiral staircase and glass elevators (Willy Wonka much?). The building has lots of glass panes and large windows to let light in. There is even a roof garden (although it was closed for weather so we couldn’t go check it out the day I visited).

Library window view

Outside the library

When you walk in on the main level there are a few cute shops. This floor also has a browsing library where they put the most popular books. I resisted the urge to take anything home during this visit since I already have a considerable stack of books at home from my browsing through D.I. (Seriously this is the best place to pick up a cheap paperback. Everything is $0.50 or $1.00 and while the selection is not as good as a traditional book store you can find most popular paperbacks there after a while. Especially book club books or books that have movies based on them. Seriously almost every time I go I see copies of Devil wears Prada and the Nanny Diaries.)

library main floor from above

The library's main floor from above. You can see all the shops and cafes.

Of course the library has a large selection of books. It was especially fun to explore the children’s section. It has two little reading areas for kids called the Crystal Cave and the Attic. I wish my cousins were closer to Utah so I could take them here. I also enjoyed browsing in the Canteena, which is the area for young adult literature. I took some amazing juvenile fiction writing classes a while back and even though the classes are over I’m still trying to get through the reading lists, so I’ll probably make good use of this section :)

Crystal Cave

The Crystal Cave reading area


The Attic reading area

There are lots of tables and chairs all around. Some even have fireplaces for you to read by. They also have copy centers and other good homework help (Yes, I still think like a student). Plus the library has put art up all around, which I love. I think some of it is done by students. One of my favorite things was a quirky paper mache monster sculpture in the kids section.


Library fireplaces

An example of the library seating/work areas and some book reading butterflies :)

Fun labels for the alt press and zines section

And to top it off the library is walking distance from Les Madeleines Cafe,a place full of delicious pastries, which I’ll be writing about soon. That’s all for now, but I’ll definitely be back here soon.

P.S. The library’s website is:

Currently eating: Cheerios :)

5 thoughts on “Salt Lake City Library

  1. We love this library! When Sara and I went (several years ago), there were Dickens carolers singing from the bridge over the open air shops! It was fantastic. Stephanie, a friend from our Houston days, is a librarian here. Stop by and tell her who you are. She may even remember you as a kid from Primary.

  2. That is a great library isn’t it? The libraries here in Phoenix are just as big, but they’re less open and much more utilitarian. Less sunlight = less cooling costs in the summer. It’s still beautiful inside, but nothing like the SLC one.

    Follow me back!
    (This is Jamie BTW)

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